During the first quarter we managed a score of 5/3, our attack, Libby Harman, Beth Jones, Alice White and Sophie Arnold were strong but our balls around the court were loopy and play was messy.
Not beaten down by the fact we were losing we scored 5 goals in the second quarter.
Our defence; Meaghan Barron-Cutts, Emily Holloway and Stacie Molot, started to hold their players more effectively, allowing the attack to travel down the court with ease.
Still motivated, our play improved in the 3rd quarter, sussing out the Antigens game, allowing us to quickly travel down the court and score more goals.
Entering the last quarter with the score at 12/14 to Shiplake, we were all tired and feeling the heat.
Despite this we went out with the same fighting spirit as at the start of the match. Unfortunately the other team continued to move the ball into the goal circle with accurate shots, scoring a further 10 goals compared to our 4.
The final score being 22/18 to Antigua. Although statistics show that we were not the most successful, the amount we learnt and plan to put into practise has been valuable.